Sunday, January 24, 2010


I sit here at the computer looking out on the gloomy, rainy day. As much as people complain about the weather in Buffalo, it does make you appreciate the spring, summer and fall. Of course I wish they lasted longer than 1/2 a year like winter seems to.
I do like the change in the seasons. I have never been a person that liked things the same all the time. I think I get some of that from my dad. He is always rearranging furniture and changing pictures that are hanging. I do that too. It makes it seem like a new room for no cost other than the a days work. Plus it gives me a chance to vacuum under the sofa!

I am drawing plans for a powder room. We lost the downstairs bathroom to the inlaws and it gets to be a pain to have to run upstairs every time you want to pee. The powder room will go where my washer and dryer are right now. So that means they need to move. More change! It's good, though. This house has gone through so many changes since we moved in. Walls went up and came down depending on where we needed a room. We've raised three kids in this house, plus all their friends. Housed my sister in law for a couple of years while she was getting back on her feet. And now Paul's parents. There have been home offices, pantry closets and coat closets that have all made room to become other areas. My father has a saying that "it is just like a Hollywood set". Things can change as you need them to.

Growing up we had a table saw in the dining room. We would finish dinner and then construction or destruction would start. It probably was in the dining room for 8 months, but it seemed like longer to me. I'm glad I grew up like that. Where things a little unsettled and messy. I think it has allowed me to be able to cope with things better. While I was going through chemo my mantra became "it is what it is". Not that I think you should lay down and let life run over you, but there are a lot of things that you have no control over. However you can control how you respond to them. I guess I have always felt that pitching a fit was a bad use of energy and it doesn't usually change anything anyway. So you roll with what life hands you and hopefully keep your head above water so you can see what is over the next wave.

1 comment:

  1. Thats why I married ya! I figured that a life with me would be full of challenges and change.....
