Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday again

Sitting here at my computer after what seemed like the longest week of my life. How come some times they fly by and other times the drag? I think this one dragged because it felt like I just couldn't catch a break all week. It's exhausting!

MIL is doing ok. She keeps saying how good she feels. I think she is worried about when she might start to feel badly. What it will feel like as the disease progresses. We have promised her that with her doctors help, she would be pain free and not alone.
We are hiring someone to come in twice a week, to start, and help out. Not entirely sure how that is going to go over with them. FIL still feels he is capable of taking care of them both. The woman we spoke to was really nice. She kept telling us that all the things we don't have the time (or patience) to do, they will. Because that is what they are here for and it's what they do. He likes to cook? They will cook stuff with him, side by side. He likes to play cards, they'll play cards with him. They will listen to the stories that they haven't heard a thousand times before, like we have. When they asked what MIL likes to do, I said she likes to sit in front of the fire and watch TV. I felt like a bad mother who sits her kids in front of the TV all day!! But she likes her stories and since she isn't reading anymore, this is how she gets them. As a matter of fact, as we talked to this woman, it became increasingly apparent that he is the one who needs the supervision. He is the one who is always wanting to do something.
So as I said, we will see how it goes.

But it has to go, because the husband needs to get out of this house and do some normal-type stuff. You know, put on his big boy clothes and go make some sales calls or something.

I asked the husband last night if there was any feeling of relief, getting the diagnosis for his mom. I didn't want to be offensive or anything, but I admit I feel some relief. Knowing that we were not facing 6 years of her failing health, both physically and mentally, makes this easier for me to handle. And I feel better for her. As someone who has a grandmother who is 101 and in a nursing home, who doesn't know who she is or who we are, I don't want to see my MIL go through that.
Is that selfish? It probably is on some level. But sometimes in life, you have to be a little selfish to survive.

1 comment:

  1. Totally get it having been in the same situation - it's not selfish, it's compassion knowing that the pain and suffering will end.
