Friday, January 8, 2010


I am heading out to the Albany area to see my daughter in a play that is being directed by my other daughter. I remember having these kids and it didn't seem that long ago! Most of the time I don't feel much older than I did when I was first married. But then I turn around and I see these grown up kids I have and I wonder where the time went.

When they were young, I had a girlfriend I would call every morning. It was how I started my day. It gave me another adult to talk to and complain to and ask advice of. It helped get me through those trying times. Even though we weren't discovering the cure for cancer, we were mostly complaining about our husbands, it was a very special time.

I often think we fail to realize the importance of having other people in our lives we can commune with. I especially think this is true for men.

I have been blessed, that throughout my life I have had friends to see me through. Groups that have been crucial at certain times. Some that have lasted longer and a select few that have been there from the beginning. I am grateful for the friendships I have had, do have and will have. I hope that I will never take them for granted. This thing called life is hard enough to go through. It would be impossible without friends.
So to all of mine, I thank you for being there through thick and thin (more thick lately!). I appreciate your wisdom, your listening ear, your good advice, good food, good laughs and mostly your prayers.

On a lighter note, my MIL told my other half that she was supposed to go up on the space shuttle the other day. She seemed very perturbed that they would leave without her. He told her that as soon as she was strong enough, she could go up!
Things that make you go hmmmmm......

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