Monday, January 4, 2010

Chapter 1

After going through a bunch of crap in the past five years, I have decided that I should start writing stuff down.
Even if it is only on virtual paper.

When I was first married, my husband told me that he would never put his parents into a nursing home. It is one of those statements that you kind of gloss over when you are a newlywed. Like "don't ever ask me about my business". Having come from a waspy family and marrying into an Italian family, this was all new to me. At 20 you don't really pay much attention to those kind of statements. You are young and life goes on forever, right?

Well I'm here to tell you that time flies by! And before you know it you are faced with that statement again. Only this time, you aren't 20 and your parents (or in this case, in-laws) are in their 80's and it is something you can't just gloss over. Although I was tempted several times to tell my husband no, in December we moved my 83 year old mother-in-law and my 86 year old father-in-law into our home.

What am I thinking? I haven't even gotten rid of my kids yet!

1 comment:

  1. this sounds like the beginning of a Harry Chapin song....and I love Harry Chapin!
