So, I'm going to be a Grandmother!
A few years ago, I would have been horrified at the thought. My mother certainly was. She refused to be called Grandma or Nana. We finally settled on Marnie, a familiar version of her name Marilyn. Deadly glares would be visited upon anyone who uttered the "G" word. It was upsetting at first. I took it like she had something against my children. I gradually realized that it was part of a deeper issue that my mother had with regard to her age and self image. It was sad, because she was a beautiful and talented woman, although I don't think she ever saw herself that way. As she grew older she did relax a little and I did finally her her identify herself as a grandmother before she died.
I on the other hand had a feeling that my children were never going to leave the house. So the thought of having another body in the house was slightly overwhelming. But, as they all do, my children have moved on and I am now ready to have someone to dote on.
So now the big question. What will the little being call me? There are certain names that are absolutely out. Granny, Grammie, Gammie, Gamma. No. I don't think of myself as a Nana. I do really like Grandmummy, but I have been told that it's too stuffy. Mama G sounds like I should be riding a Harley. Oma and Nonni are the wrong ethnicity. Someone suggested Tata, but I think that that sounds more like a stripper name.
Then I remembered Bubbe. Yiddish, yes, which I am not. But it is such a great name. When I hear it I think of warmth and comfort and for some odd reason, food. All good things for a grandparent to have and to provide, right? I used to think that I would want to be a "cool" grandparent. But the closer it gets to becoming a reality, I really only want to do one thing. Get my arms around that baby and hold them close. And then to get my arms around my daughter and hold her closer and thank her for allowing me the privilege of becoming a Bubbe (or a Grandmummy, that one is not totally off the table yet!)
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