Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas and other oddities

Someone posted something on facebook the other day that said the older I get the more the things on my Christmas list are things that can't be bought.  Time with family, good health, a granddaughter.  But I realize that I have a lot of things on my list that I can't have either.  Too many family members have gone.  Those big, harried family dinners with people yelling over each other and stealing meatballs out of the sauce are over. Being young and carefree, a thing of the past.

I find myself longing for those crazy times.  I wish I could go back and pay more attention to what was going on.  Talk to more people and actually listen to what was going on, instead of always being in the kitchen or setting a table. If I knew they were going to be gone so soon, we would have eaten off paper plates and skipped the china all together!  No amount of moist turkey or unlumpy gravy is worth that amount of time taken away from the gathering.  Away from the connectedness of family and friends. Because as you find out, always too late, once it's gone it's gone.

So I am vowing to try and be more connected this Christmas.  To spend less time worrying about the food and more time finding out about how my son's life is going.  And what is new with my son in law. Sharing family stories with my girls.  And along with my husband,  glorying in my granddaughters first Christmas.
Wish me luck!